» Restaurant Management SOPs
» Manage your business with Restaurant SOPs
Here you will find the last part of the template for the first steps in creating your SOPs. Everything revolves around the management and organization of your company.
Contact me if you have any questions to that subject!

Part 4 – Management SOP
How do you find the right calibres? Do you use agencies? Where do you post vacancies? Do you prefer email or phone calls to schedule interviews? Go through the hiring process that you want your managers to follow.
[Start Here]
¦ Work closely with your HR and Training department
Hiring procedure
Do you have a questionaire in place? Do you start with a phone interview or go straight to personal interviews? Do you have a HR office where you interview candidates? How do you make the candidates feel welcome?
[Start Here]
Introduction day
What is the first day of work for new hires? Is there a training process? Who will the new employee accompany on the first day of work? Do you ask an employee to look after the new staff member or do you simply assign them with a task? If there is a formal training day, how do you conduct it?
[Start Here]
Rota, working hours
Describe how the planning works in your restaurant, which planning software you use, how shifts are assigned, who is responsible for creating the weekly roster and where the rota can be viewed.
[Start Here]
Shift meetings
Who conduct them? What are the subjects, what do you discuss in them? Does it overlap with other duties? How do you make the most of your employees time?
[Start Here]
Who runs payroll? What systems do you use? How do you make sure people always get paid on time?
[Start Here]
¦ Create a Bonus System
¦ Think about Performance Related Payments
Create competencies, behaviours so to speak, that are underlying characteristics necessary for and individual to perform to an acceptable standard in their role. Organise discussions between the manager and the staff member where together they review past performance against previously agreed criteria stated in the competency pack in order to jointly plan future improvement.
[Start Here]
¦ Create Competencies
Till, voiding checks
Who is allowed to post, void, splitt and chash up checks? What steps need to be taken in your POS to comp or void a check? There should be training sessions for the handling of the till system.
[Start Here]
¦ Refer to you Till Training Program
How do you deal with suspected theft or robbery?
[Start Here]
Do not forget to consider and implement these possible extensions of your SOPs.
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Contact me if you have any questions to that subject!